How to connect the WhatsApp Business Channel
To connect the WhatsApp Business channel, you need to go through the following steps:
1. Confirm your registration at and ensure you have access to your account.*
Otherwise, just sign up on (your personal account)
2. If you possess a Meta Business Account, ensure you hold the administrator role.*
But you can also create this account
How to create Meta Business Account?(click here to check)
A- Go to on and press the button "Create a business account"B- Fill in the main fields and press "Create" as it is shown below:
- Business account name
- Your name
- Business email address
C - Skip next opened window if you don’t want to claim your accounts
D - Press "Next" or "Add" another person into your Business Account (you can do it later)
E - Review and confirm your business account by clicking "Confirm"
3. Verify that the desired business number is not associated with another WhatsApp account, and ensure you can receive SMS or phone calls.
- If your number is used in the client's account, then simply delete the account on the mobile phone
- If your number is used in the WhatsApp Business phone app or by another WhatsApp Business service provider, then you need to migrate the number. Please contact our support team.
⚠ If all three points above are complete, then you can start connecting
4. Connecting the WhatsApp channel from JivoChat
Open Channels setting and find WhatsApp there, then click "Connect".
Click "Connect" in the following window:
Review the important information and then Click on "Continue":
Sign in on Facebbok in opened window and Continue:
Now click on "Get sterted"
Fill your business information and press Next:
Choose a WhatsApp Business Account or create new one, and then click on "Next"
Choose your Business Category and type your website, then click on "Next"
Add your phone number and choose how you would like to verify it, and click on "Next"
Confirm with the Verification Code you have received on your phone and press "Next"
Click "Continue" after checking all requested permissions:
Wait a little bit here
Now click on Finish to close the Facebook window:
Congratulations! 🎉 Now the WhatsApp number is connected to JivoChat
Scan the QR code and send your first message!
You can also send templates and set campaigns in JivoChat.
Please link the payment method to your account to unblock any outgoing messages (WhatsApp template messages)