Integration with RemOnline
The integration will let you automatically synchronize chats and calls leads with your CRM.
To connect RemOnline go to JivoChat application, open Manage panel, proceed to Integrations and click on RemOnline.
You will need to fill out the opened form:
1.API key. In your RemOnline account navigate to Настройки (Settings) > API and copy your API key to use it here.
2.Integration name. Put any name you’d like to use for this integration. It wouldn’t be visible for anyone but your account admins.
3.Select channels for this integration. Click on the field and check desired channels in dropdown menu.
Hit the Connect button and you are all set.
Congratulations! JivoChat data will be automatically transferred to your CRM system from now on. After connecting, the integration will appear in the "Connected integrations" list, where you can change its settings and view the event logs.