Connecting Instagram Direct
Start receiving Instagram direct messages in JivoChat app! Now you can integrate JivoChat with your Instagram account.
Requirements for the integration:
- Your Instagram account must be connected to a Facebook page.
- You need to set up Instagram Business account and verify it.
First, enable the option "Allow access to messages" is activated in your Instagram app ("Settings" > "Privacy" > "Messages").
After that, open JivoChat app and go to "Manage" > "Channels":
Select "Instagram", then press "Connect":
Please follow all the steps in the pop up window. It will guide you through the process of a sucessful connection. Read carefully and check all the tutorials provided for each step located in the left corner:
If you fulfill all the requisites, please continue:
Now, you will need to login with your Facebook account. Make sure it is the account from which you administrate the pages and Instagram:
Please login, normally you will only need to type your password:
Click on continue:
Select the Instagram account you wish to connect:
You need to also connect the Facebook page connected to this account:
Make sure to grant all permissions in this image, all of them should be "blue", you will get an image like this, please allow all:
Finally, click on "Ok" and you will see a success message in the JivoChat app.
That’s all. Your Instagram account is connected to JivoChat and you will be receiving all direct messages as incoming chats in your Inbox. Also, we will notify you when someone posts a story mentioning your Instagram account or someone replies to one of your stories.